关键词: 教师资格证
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students need to realize the importance of family and learn to enjoy the holiday.
students are able to use some reading strategies and write about their holiday. students are able to use the format of a letter in the daily life.
students are able to get the main idea of this passage and know some common holidays, such as the spring festival, mid-autumn festival.
students are able to get the main idea of this passage. students are able to use some reading strategies and write about their holiday.
students are able to use the format of a letter in the daily life. students need to realize the importance of family
1.warming up and lead in:
1)the whole class will stand up and sing a song “ten little indians” to activate students interest.
2)show some pictures of holidays on the ppt and asked students what it is about.
2.pre reading
teachers show students a video about the passage and let students guess the main idea of this passage.
3.while reading
1)let students read this passage carefully to find the main idea.
2) ask the questions, what will author's aunt and grandma do on this festival? what will the author and robin do on the mid-autumn festival? the students will read it again and have a discussion with their classmates. then the teacher will let students write the answers on the blackboard.
3) ask the students what does the letter family mean in this passage. at this time, teachers will walk around the classroom and see if some students need any help. the teacher divided students into four groups and have a pk between different groups.
4.post reading
students will make a survey with their classmates about what you will do on the holiday. and the teacher will play the game hot potato to choose two pairs. then show it on stage.
ask a student to summarize what we have learned today and teachers will add something else. then teachers tell students the importance of family.
students will write a short passage about what their family will do on the holiday and share it next class.
good morning, boys and girls, how are you today? fine, great, wonderful, i'm fine, too. thanks for asking. do you still remember the song 10 little indians? how about singing it together? please stand up. one little two little three little indians four little five little six little indians seven, little eight, little nine, little indians, 10 little indian boys. wow, your voices are so beautiful. have a seat, please. my dear students, please look at the powerpoint, there are some pictures, do you know what is it about? oh, sarah, you please, yes, they are about holidays. what holidays? the first one is spring festival, very good. how about the second one? yes, it is the mid-autumn festival and 3rd one, yes, it is national day. you are so smart. i'm proud of you.
now my dear students, i will show you a video about this passage for you. please look at it carefully and guess the main idea of this passage. are you clear, great, let's start. who can tell me what's the main idea of this passage, linda, you please, you said it is a holiday. yeah anyone else? yes, the author shares their experiences in the mid-autumn festival. very good. now let's read this passage carefully and find the main idea to check if you are right or not. okay, you read so loudly and slowly. so, the main idea is the author and his family did some interesting things on the festival. very good. now i have two questions for you. first of all, what will author’s aunt and grandma do on this festival? second, what will the author and robin do on the mid-autumn festival? you have five minutes to read this passage again and have a discussion with your desk mates. are you clear? let's go. okay, time’s up. who wants to be the volunteer? oh, lily, please write your answers on the blackboard. please pay attention to the spelling festival, great. so the answer of the first question is the aunt is going to make moon cakes. very good. and the author's grandma will tell us a story about chang'e. the next question, jason, what's your answer? yes, robin and the writer are going to read a poem. i appreciate your pronunciation, sit down, please. my students, all of you did a good job.
just now we have known robin and the author are going to read a poem. so please read this poem loudly and answer the question, what does the letter family mean in this poem. you have 10 minutes to find out the answer. i will walk around the classroom and see if you have any questions. if you need any help, please raise your hand, and i will come to you. clear?do you have any questions? oh, good, good idea, keep on. time’s up. now i will divide you into four groups. you are going to have a pk with each other. are you ready? how about group one? yes, wonderful. sit down, please, and group two, oh great. and how about group three no idea, okay, think about it for a moment, group four, good job as well!so the different letter means different things. f is for family. a is for autumn. m is for moon. i is for i. l is for love, y is for you.
my dear students please make a survey with your classmates to talk about what you will do on the holiday and i will choose some pairs to show on stage. okay, time’s up, who wants to be the volunteer? wow, you are so active. how about playing the game hot potato. please look at this potato. it is very hot and i will pass it around class. when i stop clapping you stop, are you clear? one two go stop timmy, you and your partner, please come here. wow, you said you will eat a big dinner on the holiday good and your partner said you will go camping on the holiday. sounds wonderful. thank you for your sharing. sit down, please. how about the next one? okay, linda, you please, wow, good. it will be better if you speak louder next time, i like your voice so much. thank you.
how time flies! today we have learned a lot of things. so who wants to be the little teacher to tell me what we have learned today. okay, yoyo, yes, we have learned some common holidays and how to write a passage to describe what will we do on the holiday. great! sit down, please. my dear students, i want you to know the importance of family and enjoy the life on the holiday.
here comes to the homework today. you're going to write a short passage about what your family will do on the holiday and share it next class, see you.
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